Synopsis: An odd-ball cast of has-been actors revive their careers in “Drop Dead!,” a potboiler murder mystery directed by “Wonder Child of the Broadway Stage” Victor Le Pewe. At the dress rehearsal, the set falls, props break, and the producer and an actor are murdered. But the show must go on! During the opening night performance, the murders continue. The remaining thespians must save the show and their careers, solve the mystery, and stay alive for curtain call. Audition Dates: August 19 & 20 7pm Location : Central United Methodist Church 3882 Highland Road, Waterford Show Dates: October 11, 12, 18 & 19 Rehearsals: Monday, Tuesday and/or Thursday depending on cast. Auditions will be cold reads from script.Several characters can be cast either gender. Characters: Chaz Looney – apprentice actor (male) plays the butler in the “show” uses “bad” English and French accents. Candy Apples – Producer’s girlfriend or daughter. Must be comfortable in lingerie for a portion of the show. Plays Penelope, the new bride in the “show” Brent Reynolds – the Method Actor (male) Dick Scorsese – Martin’s Cousin, plays the detective in the “show” was hired for his name. Mona Monet – The TV Star. Trying to restart her career. Victor or Victoria Le Pewe – the Director. This is the first show since an unfortunate break down. P.G Banks – M/F – The producer. Put up the money for the show so Candy could get her big break. If a woman will be played as the world’s worst Stage Mom. Phil – M/F – theoverworked, underappreciated Stage Manager Constance Crawford – the legendary Stage star. Very old, hard of hearing. Has some physical comedy. Alabama Miller – M/F – Author of the “original” script before Le Pewe and Banks got a hold of it. Is devastated to see it turned into a “farce”. Please reach out to Cyndi with any questions. [email protected]